Frequently Asked Questions

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4.1 Membership to the party is open to all Kenyans irrespective of
Colour, Creed, gender, or race;

4.1.1 Any adult above the age of eighteen who is a Kenyan citizen and is
prepared to abide by this constitution and any other rules made
thereunder, upon application
4.1.2 Any person who has manifested a clear identification with the Party
and its principles, policies and programs may apply for membership,
4.1.3 All members shall subscribe to the Party’s Code of Conduct and
pledge of commitment,
4.1.4 There shall be the general category of Ordinary Member, and other
membership categories determined by the National Executive Committee
(NEC). The Ordinary membership shall only apply to those residing in
Kenya. Other categories are open to all Kenyans regardless of where
they reside. The membership enrolment fees and annual subscription
fees shall be determined by the National Executive Committee from time
to time. The party membership register shall be inspected by a member
of the party upon giving notice of fourteen (14) days in writing and upon
payment of the prescribed fee as approved by the NEC.

4.2.1 One can apply for membership in person and or in writing to the
authorised officials of the Party from Counties or the National Executive
Committee (NEC).
4.2.2 The National Executive Committee (NEC) has the right to allow or
reject any application for membership based on the rules and regulations
as established in this constitution. This role may be delegated to a
committee created by NEC and the party will develop the membership
4.2.3 Membership shall be renewable within the time frame set up by the
party. A member may be issued with a Party membership card.
4.2.4 The Party shall determine the different types of membership and
membership fees to be paid by each category of members.
4.2.5 The Membership Register shall contain details on; Identification,
Region, Ethnicity, Persons Living with Disability, Gender and County.
4.2.6 There shall be a continuous update of the membership register.

4.3.1 A member subject to relevant regulations is entitled to; Participate in Party activities and meetings; Participate actively and effectively in the discussion, formulation
and implementation of Party policies and programs; Access Party documents including the Constitution, Members
Guide, Election and Nomination Rules, Party Manifesto, circulars,
memoranda and other relevant materials and information about their local
branch upon formal request to the authorised Party office bearer; Submit proposals or statements to the Constituency Secretary,
County Secretary, or NEC provided such proposals are submitted through the appropriate structures and follow established protocol in the Party; Participate in elections and be eligible for Party elections at all
levels upon nomination.

4.4.1 A member of the Party shall: Take all necessary steps to understand and carry out the aims,
policies and programs of the party. Explain the objectives, policies and programs of the Party to
potential members or supporters and the general public. Combat negative propaganda detrimental to the interest of the
party and defend the aims, policies and programs of the Party. Popularize the Party. Observe discipline, comply with the Party’s Code of Conduct and
obey decisions of the Party. Refrain from publishing and or distributing through any media
platform without appropriate authorization, any information deemed
confidential, or any views purporting to be the views of the party. Register as a voter and take part in the Party and all other
electoral processes at all levels. Abide by the rules, regulations and decisions of the caucus they
belong to in case of elected leaders. Members of the Party elected as Member of County Assembly,
Members of Parliament and Governor shall provide strategic leadership
and work with the Party officials in their respective electoral areas to
promote the Party and its programs except in all matters relating to party
elections. Be liable to pay such fees as shall be prescribed by the Party. Support the Party financially and materially when called upon
for a good cause. Not to promote policies, manifesto and interest of other parties. Not to support the candidature of another political party unless
otherwise decided by the Party. Any person shall be entitled, to inspect the audited accounts
filed by the party and, upon payment of a fee prescribed by the
registrar/or NEC be issued with copies of the audited accounts.

5.1 The following Party organs are hereby established:
5.1.1 National Delegates Congress;
5.1.2 National Governing Council;
5.1.3 National Executive Committee;
5.1.4 National Steering Committee;
5.1.5 National Policy Committee;
5.1.6 Governors and Deputy Governors Caucus;
5.1.7 Parliamentary Group
5.1.8 County Assembly Caucus;
5.1.9 Women Congress;
5.1.10 Youth Congress;
5.1.11 Branch Executive Committee;
5.1.12 Constituency Congress;
5.1.13 Ward Congress;
5.1.14 Polling Centre Committee;
5.1.15 National Elections Board;
5.1.16 Internal Dispute Resolution Committee;
5.1.17 Disciplinary Committee.

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    Party Address

    TALAB Buildings 2nd
    floor, B8,
    Jomo Kenyatta Avenue, Mombasa.

    P.O Box 19329-00200
    Mombasa, Kenya.

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