Economic Growth and Jobs

Kenya needs a plan to rescue our economy and create more jobs. More than 10 million Kenyans are without work and more than half the population lives below the poverty line. Youth unemployment is amongst the highest in the world. Businesses, large and small, are closing down while others struggle to survive in a chaotic and uncertain business environment leading to more and more unemployment. This represents a profound injustice and a clear threat to socioeconomic cohesion in our country.

The USP’s vision of One Kenya for All is founded on the fundamental belief that there is an urgent need to remedy this manifestly unfair reality to ensure that all Kenyans regardless of their race, gender or geographical context, are able to reach their full potential and in so doing, truly build One Kenya for All.

There are too many families in our country who do not have a single breadwinner. Every person who is able to work should be able to access employment opportunities and support themselves and their families. But this is not our economic reality. We believe our plan for Economic Growth and Change can put us on the right track to achieving the goal of good work for all Kenyans and, in the short term, ensure that there is a job in every household.

Our plan for Economic Growth and Jobs, contains the following core elements:

Party Address

TALAB Buildings 2nd
floor, B8,
Jomo Kenyatta Avenue, Mombasa.

P.O Box 19329-00200
Mombasa, Kenya.

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